LungA 2011.
My dear LungA, in my dear hometown, where the waterfalls are just few meters away and the air is fresher than ever. The feeling driving from Egilsstaðir to Seyðisfjörður is always similar, it's a special feeling that always enters once you're driving closer and closer, that is, if you just came from Reykjavik, not each time you drive over the mountain. My little town, my little rehab.
I arrived to paradise yesterday and spent my time in complete joy, wrapping my arms around every familymember more often than once, more than twice. I love coming home.
Today I walked a circle around the town, it was slightly foggy & mist of rain was in the air, yet it was full of life, Seyðisfjörður has been so alive these days, it's amazing to see. I took my camera with me and decided to shoot a little of the workshops that were going on, acting workshop, free spirit crrrazy dance workshop (it was amazing to see actually.). I'll shoot even more tomorrow, I'm excited to see the drawing workshop with Harpa Einars, her work is completely beyond.
I wanted to share some of the photos I shot today:
- my sister cuddling with the latest family member, Kasper.
my dear Arndís Ey.
the dance workshop, it was crazy nice, such a lovely sight of people letting go and playing with body movement, i would've loved being in this workshop actually.
Acting workshop with the actor Bjorn Thors
two of the production team.
stopped by and capturing how they were talking, brainstorming and working. Also bought myself a lovely LungA t-shirt & a bag.