Wednesday, August 10, 2011

- FIRST WEDDING - photos.

I shot my first wedding recently, and it was really an amazing experience. The couple were absolutely amazing and those nerves that ran through my body and mind once I stepped out of the car about to shoot completely ran away. They were awesome and it was so much fun taking pictures of them and especially experiencing the wedding itself. It was all nature, kosy, beautiful & amusing.

So take a look at the results!

1 comment:

  1. ú! Æðisleg stemming í þeim öllum!
    Númer 1 er yndisleg, blurrið vinstra megin í henni gerir hana svo rómó.
    Númer 2 - wedding magazine cover!!
    Númer 4 - props fyrir að taka svona að ofan, þú ert svo klár í að nýta alls konar sjónarhorn. Hún er mjög ævintýraleg.
    Númer 10 - flott attitude og blurr!
    Æðislega yndislegar dansmyndirnar í endan. Það er eins og þau séu alein with no care in the world!

    Númer 4 er uppáhalds!

    Had to say it all ;)
